Thursday 1 April 2010

Audience feedback results

The results we got from our audience feedback questionnaire were:

1. Everyone thought the name 'The Call' was very good. Some people added notes to say it was very appropriate for the film.

2. Most people thought the filming was good, but there could have been more varied shots. This point had already been pointed out; if we were to do it again we would have done this.

3. Everyone thought the editing was satisfactory. From added notes, the reason it was only satisfactory was because it wasn't as clean as it could have been.

4. Most people thought the acting was good. Some acting wasnt as good as other parts and that one actor was much better than the other.

5. Everyone thought the ending was very good. They liked the cliffhanger and not knowing exactly what had happened. They all said the ending was the best bit of the film; the acting, the filming and the storyline.

6. All feedback was positive for the choice of music. All answers were very good for this. That the music set the mood (this is what we wanted)

7. People thought the location was good, but could have been better. They thought the location could have been a bit more scary and it should have been dark. It could have been made a bit darker, but not much because we needed a certain amount of light to film in.

8. The audience thought the killer character was believable. They thought filming it without actually seeing him was good because it made people unable to say he doesnt look like a killer.

9. The audience thought there was a good build of tension at the end. Although they thought it could have been extended a bit more to create an even bigger build of tnesion, (this is something we did actually change)

10. Finally, most people said they thought the genre was thriller, a few even said a phsychological thriller.

This information was really helpful. It enabled us to see what we ahd achieved with the film and what wasnt so good, which we would change if we filmed it again.

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