Thursday 3 December 2009

shooting script

Shooting Script height="500" width="100%" > value="">            

We've done a shooting script as this helps us when filming. By having what shots to use and how to film each scene already, it ensures that the filming is done correctly and well. It also gives the actors an idea of how the scene will pan out.

We have also done a stroyboard, we chose two scenes which are very different in terms of lighting, shots etc..

Sunday 15 November 2009

film proposal


questionnaire :)


From the questionnaire we have found out who our target audience is:

-Aged 16-17

We also found out that they:
Enjoy short films
The genre of films they like are thriller, comedy and action
They have watched short films before
They would like to see a thriller film made by students
The ideas that would come from a film called 'The Call' are either anything to do with telephones or someone having some sort of phone call.

From this information we can now make our film to fit in with our target audience. So because our target audience is aged 16-17 we cannot have any unsuitable content which would be for over 18's only. Also, we decided we wanted to make our film a thriller so as the feedback shows that our target audience are interested in thriller films, this means we can carry on with having a that genre.
Although there wasn't alot of suggestions of what they thought a film named 'The Call' would include, the answers we did get were just what we wanted; it shows that the title is suitable for our film.

Thursday 5 November 2009

research into short films

The first positive aspect of this film would be how there are words flashed up in the beginning; it cuts from the film to a blank screen with a word on it each time. This is good for a short film as you could use it to give the audience extra information or help them understand. This is something i would consider adding to my short film as i think it is a bit different and can cut the film up a bit so there isnt just a constant film running.
The audience hears the radio as they see the establishing shot. The film is centered around the radio so the audience can realise straight away this, as this is the first thing heard/seen.
There is no speech in the film. They have made the radio a sort of narrator so there is no need for anyone to speak in order to understand whats happening. This is different and interesting and keeps the audience hooked.
A negative point i have about the film is based on the shots. I think there isnt enough different shots and they use close up shots too much. In one part there is a close up shot that flicks between two of the actors, this carries on for a while which gets boring. This has made me realise that it is vital to vary my shots as much as i can to ensure i give a range.
The ending was especially good, they made sure the radio was the main aspect of the film at the beginning and the end.
Overall, the film was a a bit different and unique and included some things which i would consider using in my own film.

fairy tale into a modern film

For this we had to take a fairy tale and change it into a modern story; i chose 'The Ugly Duckling.

The ugly duckling.

Once upon a time on a warm summers day, a young, tiny girl named Puck was getting ready to start her first day of primary school.
‘I’m so excited’ she gleamed, pulling on her brand new school uniform. ‘I’m going to make lots of new friends.’
Her mother put her in the car and the journey to school began, on the way her mother said, ‘don’t worry if you don’t fit in straight away, you wont always immediately find people you want to be friends with.’
Puck was too excited to listen to her mother.
As they pulled up outside, the sight of children excitedly running into school with lunch boxes and folders made Puck uncontrollably excited and without thinking swung open the car door only to realise her legs couldn’t keep up with her and landed flat out on the pavement. She quickly stood up startled, only to find 3 other girls stood above her; they were a lot taller than puck.
‘Idiot!’ one of them giggled.
‘Maybe if you weren’t so small you’d actually be able to get out of a car like a normal girl!’ the other one sniggered. And with that all three walked off still laughing as they went.
‘Puck, what have I told you, wait for me to get you out the car, it’s not safe!’ her mother yelled running round to Puck’s door.
Puck was given her lunch box and folder and off she went.
As she walked through the gates, she noticed the other parents staring,
‘God, isn’t she small.’
‘She only looks about 3.’
They whispered as Puck walked past.
She heard, but tried to ignore it.
Once inside school, puck looked around in amazement, she never imagined it would be this big.
Puck followed as the head teacher ushered the children into a classroom.
Each child was told to stand up and introduce them self.
One by one each child did so, Puck was last and as she stood up she spotted the 3 girls that had made fun of her only 10 minutes ago.
‘Hi, I’m Puck.’
One boy in the corner immediately yelled ‘Ha, what a titch.’
At the end of school Puck was pleased to see her mum waiting for her at the gates. She rushed over and got in the car.
On the way home, she said to her mum,
‘Am I small?’
‘What makes you say that?’ replied her mum.
‘Everyone keeps making fun of my height.’
‘Well you might be a bit smaller than the others now, but don’t worry you’ll grow.’
That one word ‘titch’ stayed with Puck for what felt like forever. Every day for the rest of her primary school days she had it yelled at her.
You see, she was year 6 now and still was only 4 foot; her growth was slow, unlike her classmates who were constantly towering above her.
Because of this, Puck had no friends. She stuck out like a sore thumb and so no one would talk to her, they just laughed.
Puck became a loner, she would cry alone by herself at break time as she watched the other children play together.
The last day of the school year couldn’t come sooner, as Puck could finally leave.
That summer holiday, puck noticed her trousers were becoming shorter and she kept having to pull down her sleeves as they kept rising up her arm.
‘Time to buy you some more clothes.’ Exclaimed her mum.
At the end of the 6 weeks, Puck had had to buy 3 lots of clothes as she just kept growing out of each lot.
‘You look tall today.’ Said her Granddad. ‘Lets measure you.’
Puck stood up against the wall as her Granddad put a mark on the wall and then grabbed his tape measure.
‘Wow.’ He said. ‘4 foot, 9 inches.’
Puck couldn’t believe it; finally she had had a growing spurt. This surely would mean she was as, if not taller than her classmates.
As she was getting ready for her first day of Secondary School, Puck couldn’t wait for everyone to see how much she had grown, to not be the smallest in the year, to finally fit it.
There were a lot of people walking into the school.
As she walked into her classroom, to her surprise no one sniggered, no one whispered.
She sat down next to another girl.
‘Hi.’ Said the girl.
‘Hi.’ Replied Puck.
‘Your so tall! I’m really jealous.’
Puck laughed, ‘Thank you.’
From then on Puck knew that the rest of her school years would be the best ever.